Parkridge Medical Clinic
No cost. No hassle. No Judgement.

Free & Confidential Services

Pregnancy Testing

STD Testing & Treatment


After Abortion Support


Lubbock’s Place for Women’s Health
As a non-profit medical clinic, Parkridge has been empowering women to make informed choices regarding their sexual health since 1993. We partner with women in and around Lubbock by offering FREE medical services, counseling, education, and resources. You are not alone. Receive confidential care from licensed medical professionals in a safe and convenient environment at Parkridge.
Pregnant and considering your options?
You are not alone. Take your next steps at Parkridge.
Schedule a pregnancy test
and nurse consultation

Get a free ultrasound
and/or STD test

Receive education and resources regarding your options

Parkridge can provide you with a free pregnancy test, nurse consultation, limited ultrasound, and testing for sexually transmitted infections.

"Parkridge helped me believe in myself and never ever shamed me. "
"When I felt like no one was there, Parkridge was. When I thought I can’t do this, Parkridge spoke truth. "
"The medical staff not only provided excellent care but also offered compassion in abundance."

Monday - Thursday:
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

5203 79th Street, Suite A
Lubbock, TX 79424