Inside the Clinic - STD Testing

What to Expect During STD Testing Appointments  


You want to get tested but have no idea what to expect - we’ve got you.   

Keep reading as we walk you through what exactly happens at an STD testing appointment.   



Parkridge Pregnancy Medical Clinic only provides testing and treatment for women. For a list of options for men seeking testing and treatment, click here  

When you call to schedule an STD testing appointment, you’ll be asked pre-screening questions over the phone. STD testing appointments are typically booked 1-2 days in advance and the actual appointment lasts about an hour. Once your appointment is scheduled, you will be sent patient forms via text in order to expedite the paperwork process when you arrive in the clinic.   



When you arrive for your appointment you’ll be greeted at the front desk where you will need to provide an ID to check in. Once your name is called, you will be shown to a private bathroom where you will provide a urine sample.   After providing your sample you will be shown to a medical examination room and asked to fill out a health history form. After this form is complete, your nurse will take your vitals and go over the form with you to make sure all the information is filled out and see if you have any questions.   



After your nurse has talked through your health history, she will leave the room so you can undress from the waist down and have a seat on the exam table (there will be a drape provided for you to cover yourself). Depending on your symptoms and health history, your nurse will perform an exam, a vaginal swab and/or a pap smear. During this exam a swab is inserted vaginally by your nurse for 10-15 seconds. Once this is complete, your nurse will leave the room while you get dressed and wait for her to return. As you check out, you will schedule a follow up appointment, and we will send your test to the lab for processing.  



STI results typically take 5-7 business days from the date of your initial appointment. Receiving your results in person is vital to exploring treatment options and education in a timely manner. Medication for certain treatments can be administered in the clinic through a shot. All other medication will be called into a pharmacy to be picked up for free. Your nurse will talk with you about treatment options and community resource connections that Parkridge can provide. We are on your team and want to provide quality care for you no matter what your results show.   



As stated above, Parkridge provides free and confidential treatment. No one wants to have an STD, and people often desire safer sexual health after having and being treated for an STD. Our nurses are here to talk you through an effective treatment plan and ways you can care for yourself physically and mentally moving forward. In addition to our excellent team of Registered Nurses, we have Licensed Professional Counselors that are available for free counseling if you want someone to talk to.  Regardless of whether or not you have insurance, we can help connect you with resources for long term medical care.   


We have scheduled 74 STD testing appointments for women so far this year. There is a need in Lubbock, and we are here to provide free and confidential services and care.   

You are not alone. Call or click here  to schedule today.   


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