Why Would I Need an Ultrasound Before an Abortion?

If you are pregnant and contemplating an abortion, you may be researching procedures, costs and locations. Some abortion provider websites talk about quick and easy options to end a pregnancy. Medically, an essential step to take before proceeding with any type of abortion is to undergo an ultrasound examination by a trained healthcare professional.

What is an ultrasound?

An ultrasound is a medical imaging technique that uses sound waves to create images of the inside of the body. In other words - an ultrasound is what allows a medical professional to see inside your body - or in the case of pregnancy, inside the uterus. There are two types of ultrasounds utilized with pregnancy: vaginal ultrasounds and abdominal ultrasounds. It is common practice to receive a vaginal ultrasound at or before 12 weeks of gestation and an abdominal ultrasound after that.

Why you need an ultrasound BEFORE an abortion -

  1. determine the gestational age

Menstrual cycle dates can be unpredictable, and you may be further along than you thought. Gestational age is important to know prior to an abortion because how far along you are will determine which type of abortion you choose.

2. locate the pregnancy

A normal pregnancy is located in the uterus. A pregnancy outside of the uterus--an ectopic pregnancy--can be life threatening and needs immediate medical attention.

An ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency and evaluation at the ER should be sought immediately if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected. The treatment for ectopic pregnancy is different from an abortion. An elective abortion procedure in the case of an ectopic pregnancy is very risky.

3. check the viability of the pregnancy

An ultrasound confirms if a pregnancy is likely to progress on its own. An increasing number of pregnancies end in miscarriage, which means the pregnancy terminates on its own. 

An elective abortion is not medically necessary in this case, and evaluation from an OB is important for your health if a miscarriage is suspected. 

What to expect at a Parkridge ultrasound

At Parkridge, we are committed to providing precise and accurate medical information to assist you in making an informed decision. Our nurses are trained to provide ultrasounds that assess the location of the gestational sac, evaluate fetal viability and determine gestational age (i.e. how far along you are) Throughout the ultrasound, our nurses provide explanations and education, ensuring that you understand the process before it begins. Your health and well-being are our top priorities.

If your pregnancy is predicted to be in the first trimester (before 12 weeks), a vaginal ultrasound may be offered. If your pregnancy is predicted to be later than 12 weeks, an abdominal ultrasound may be best indicated. If you have questions about an ultrasound, call our clinic and ask to speak with a nurse.

We hope the information included here is helpful, and is received in conjunction with other medical and mental health information. This blog post is not intended to replace information directly received from a medical provider. Parkridge offers limited free counseling on a variety of issues including relationships and sex. All of our services (pregnancy testing, confirmation ultrasound, STD testing and treatment, professional counseling, & post abortion support) are always free of charge, confidential, and delivered by licensed professionals.


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